Tue May 18 17:14:57 +0000 2021

 · 3 min read
 · trapezoid of discovery

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Going to see if I can do a lightning round analysis of some of the more entertaining filings submitted recently in Antrim. Follow along, if you dare!

Starting with exhibit 15, which is basically the Return of The Jedi to the reports referenced in the quoted thread.

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Quick recap: DePerno has been leaning heavily on reports written by a Jeff Lenberg - a seemingly smart dude with 0 election auditing experience.

Jeff seems to be fumbling through the Dominion software, and has a habit of calling his misunderstanding of the software SUBVERSION!

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His last report demonstrated that when you intentionally swap the unique identifiers inside the Dominion software for two ballot choices that are part of different contests, errors happen, but not the errors Jeff wants.

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Specifically, Jeff switched the choice IDs for Biden in the Pres contest (id 3016) and the choice ID for the Natural Law Party in the Straight Party Ticket contest (id 3015).

I tried to illustrate this here:

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Jeff's new affidavit concerns his contention that Biden's votes should have been shifted to the Natural Law Party (they shouldn't have) and a cell phone photo of the Fox News election results for Barry County taken sometime on election night.


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Lenberg's now claiming that a "logical bumper" was in place in Antrim that shifted votes for Biden to undervotes, instead of votes for the NLP.

There was no "logical bumper", the software just doesn't allow ballot choices to be shifted across different contests. Period.

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Lenberg alleges the election vendor, ElecitonSource (ES), was responsible for the "logical bumper".

To "prove" this, Lenberg uses a screenshot. The claim is that ES screwed up and didn't install their "bumper" in Barry county, so for a time, all of Biden's votes went to the NLP

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Because the NLP candidate's final tally in Barry was 16 votes, that means ElectionSource realized they didn't fully deploy their "bumper" and quickly did so in order to "subvert the election"

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So that's it. That's the report and its claims. They claim that a screenshot of election results that were inaccurate for some amount of time on election night is proof there was fraud.

