Fri Dec 10 17:51:57 +0000 2021

 · 9 min read
 · trapezoid of discovery

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NEW: I've found an editable PowerPoint version of the PDF that's floating around.

The .pps file contains additional metadata, and reveals that on slide 29, a white box was obstructing a logo for "Kraken Intel". You can see the top portion of the logo in the PDF.

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The metadata contains the name of the last user to modify the file. It's important to note that this person may not have had anything to do with the creation of the PowerPoint - for all we know they were an AV dude that mistakenly shifted an image.

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Here's the metadata. Linux screenshots are from hachoir-metadata and olefile.

The guy that comes up when you google Don Pryor is not the same Pryor in the metadata. Do not bug him.

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Aside from the PowerPoint metadata indicating this file was last modified on 1/5, some of the pictures in the deck have alt text that indicate they were screenshots taken on 1/4.

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I found the .pps by Googling bits of text from the slides in quotes. This came up after searching "Because a harvester called QSnatch"

It was found in a Spanish conservative organization's news article talking about Jovan's publishing of the PDF, article is dated 1/15/2021

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I noticed the white square obstructing the logo on slide 29 after checking the metadata in powerpoint. There's a feature that will check the deck to make sure you're not leaking info. One of the findings was relating to cropped photos, so I started toying with all the pictures.

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I'm fairly certain the .pps is legit, especially after discovering the logo on slide 29. Every version of the PDF that I've seen previously had the two bars from the insignia peaking out, but I hadn't paid much attention to it until finding the .pps

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So the question is, how the hell did it end up on this site?

My GUESS is that Jovan originally uploaded the .pps then realized he goofed, deleted the posts, and reuploaded as a PDF. But that's just my guess.

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RE: Time discrepancies in this - Linux screenshots are from a system set in UTC, Windows screenshot is PST.

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I have a theory on who or what Kraken Intel may be, thanks to a few tips from others.

Terpsichore/Tore has referred to herself as a Kraken on her podcast several times. Tore had a profile on Together We Serve that indicated she was a Navy lieutenant

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I also want to reiterate: please don't go around doxxing random Don Pyrors lol

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More thoughts on Kraken Intel - it may not be a single person. The word was certainly overloaded at the end of 2020. As @QOrigins notes, Byrne had assembled a team that was feeding information to Powell - this could have been a reference to that team

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I knew I had spotted those charts on Conan Hayes' timeline, but couldn't find the archives. @kskoglund stepped in with the goods - as he always does!

I forgot that Conan was dropping "kraken" frequently around the time he posted those.

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  • Similar charts in a Ramsland affidavit file 11/24
  • Byrne posts these on 11/24
  • Conan posts them on 11/25 - with commentary that sounds like he's the originator
  • They end up in the coup powerpoint

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We know that Conan Hayes was working with Byrne in November. Byrne chartered the private jet that flew Conan to Antrim, MI as part of the ASOG team on 11/27

On 11/15, Conan posted an image of the front of Kraken Axes - axe bar in DC - and tagged Powell

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Conan posted another Kraken reference on 11/16 after QT'ing a Joe Flynn tweet that mentioned Conan, Giuliani, and Powell

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I probably should have split this stuff into its own thread, but oh well...a little too late.

Conan was travelling on 11/16

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On 11/20, Conan posted a thread full of chart snippets that look suspiciously similar to the charts posted by Byrne on 11/24. These would be the earliest any of those charts have been seen online.

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Next day Joe Flynn posts a picture of Conan with Mike Flynn hashtagged "wegotthis". Powell's also tagged.

Also, disclaimer: I don't necessarily subscribe to the "everything's a Flynn psyop" ideas, but obviously there was coordination

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By 11/25, he did a thread that contained the full chart slides, and ended it with another picture of the Kraken axe bar in DC

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All this to say: I'm now leaning more towards the "Kraken Intel" logo referring to the scrappy crew Byrne assembled to collect and funnel information to Powell.

Here are excerpts from Byrne's Deep Rig book. Note the 3 star general mentioned is not Flynn.

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By 11/27, Conan was in Antrim along with ASOG, courtesy of a jet chartered by Byrne.

I know this is a lot to follow in thread form - I'll try to throw together an illustrated timeline if I have a moment today.