Sun Jan 30 22:02:42 +0000 2022

 · 2 min read
 · trapezoid of discovery

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Apple Podcast suggestions for around 650 podcasts ;)

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Still figuring out the best way to contextualize this data. One idea is to see how easily you can get pushed to extremist content when you start from a relatively mainstream podcast.

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In this case, here are podcasts with over 8k user ratings that will get you to Q-Influencer ToreSays' show in 5 or fewer suggestions.

Bannon's War Room is one of the larger funnels to extremist content

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Here's another interesting metric: for all pods in my data set, what's the median position they appear in when suggested by other pods?

ie, a position of 1, means it's the first spot in the carousel. A position of 5 would be the last. A position of 15 is only on 'see all'

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Here are the results of that query.

All of these pods are likely to show up in one of the first 5 slots on the suggestion carousel

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I thought it was interesting that noted anti-vaxxer RFK Jr enjoys a median suggestion rank of 3, so I took a look at some of the pods that suggest RFK's. They all push antivax content.

The number on the left is the suggestion rank for RFKs show. A 1 means it's the first slot

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Caveat that this data is not exhaustive - it's likely other podcasts also suggest RFK JR's, but I need to crawl them and add them to my dataset before they appear in my metrics

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Up to around 4k pods archived. This'll be fun!