Fri Jul 09 03:04:56 +0000 2021

 · 12 min read
 · trapezoid of discovery

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Welp…here I go.

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Live tweet thread incoming, so mute now or forever hold your peace.

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Good thing about streaming the premier after the fact is that I can skip the Anne Vandersteel intro.

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Jesus my condolences to anyone (@az_rww lol) that went to the premier in person and had to sit through this.

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I uh..made the mistake of getting wings for dinner, so live tweeting with wing fingers is going to be...gross.

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The intro contains a news reel that highlights how "antifa" shot someone in Oregon...and completely glosses over Rittenhouse and Carillo.

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Otherwise the news footage was a mashup of Democrats skeptical of the 2016 election, and COVID and BLM hysteria.

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The intro credits music is very "ancient aliens"

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Joseph Flynn's taking credit for being the "glue" that held the fraud investigators together in the beginning

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He also called dolphin-speakers. So...drink.

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Orwell quote, so drink again. Also, Byrne talks about the funeral where folks from ASOG (I think), followed by that sizzle reel of dems talking about the vulnerability of election machines.

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Byrne takes a break from the interview in what looks like a palace? To stand directly in front of projector and rant about vote injection and monkey business.

What he's actually talking about is how the preliminary counts were inaccurate as votes were being tallied.

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Byrne, in

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Now the obfuscated "white hats". We have "25", "75", and "Anon" (Doug Logan).

"75" and "25" are talking about human my money is that they're associated with ASOG, which claims on their website to specialize in human trafficking investigations

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I wouldn't be surprised if Conan Hayes is one of these obfuscated white hats.

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So far this is tracking close enough with the book that I'm annoyed I'm watching it.

They're currently setting up how the players (the white hats, the flynns, and the pittons) ended up getting involved in all of this.

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Oh boy, DePerno popped up talking about the 50k affidavits that were filed. Forgot he was in this.

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"It's kind of hard for us to think of a grand cabal" - Jovan

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He if he's on a history channel treasure hunting show.

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Jovan: "It's a grand cabal" "But no actually it's a lot of small cabals"

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Jovan's flagging comments made by Bernie Sanders on Fallon that accurately cover how early election results may not reflect the final results. Because unprecedented global pandemic.

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Cooooooolllll here's Doug Logan as ANON.

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"75" is either Josh Merritt/Spyder or Conan Hayes/@we_have_risen

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Bobby Piton parroted Jovan in saying that they're a first generation American. So am are a lot of people. Being a first gen American doesn't give you street credit or inherit credibility.

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I know others like @Garrett_Archer have pointed this out, but what the hell data set is Piton using that includes the gender of the voter?

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DePerno's quoting from the ASOG report and sitting blurrily in a dope mid-century swing.

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So Bill Bailey got connected with DePerno via Patrick Colbeck. Been wondering how DePerno and Bailey were hooked up.

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DePerno’s walking through how he intentionally kept his lawsuit relatively low key so it wouldn’t get thrown out.

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Definitely sounds like whoever “25” is was on-site in Antrim in December.

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“75”’s explanations of fraud so far have been…near incoherent.

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DePerno's making a big deal about a judge granting them the protection order that let them audit the machines in the first place. In order to get info to convince the judge, they "strong-armed" their way into the offices of county clerks

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Joel Oltmann (who's claim to fame is spreading debunked info about Eric Coomer) is talking about how smart the ASOG analysts were.

If they were so smart, why did I have to do multiple threads breaking down their garbage report?

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Why do so many people in this introduce themselves as "first generation American" or "not fully white"..

again, that doesn't give you inherent credibility. Assclowns can come from all sorts of backgrounds.

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So Oltmann's evidence that the voice he heard on a supposed "antifa zoom call" was Eric Coomer was that...someone said he was "Eric from Dominion"?

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Waldron says that ASOG started digging in after seeing Oltmann's debunked info about Coomer, and that they were also looking at antifa and BLM activity over the summer.

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Credit where credit's due: this movie could have been shot worse.

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Waldron claims that the UN would have disqualified the election if they saw what happened in all GA precincts.


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Oltmann talking about running "phantom" and "fake" ballots through the tabulation system and how that can't be detected because the ballot envelopes have been destroyed. And then also incorrectly states that the original ballot images are erased when a blank ballot is adjudicated

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Jovan's giving a very simple demonstration that consists of no less than six different colors of paper that each mean a different thing and I'm too in the bag to keep track of this now but I'm going to try!

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PS he's basically trying to pitch his kinematic artifact scanning grift and the red paper is supposed to be bamboo

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His point is that you can use machine learning/computer vision to analyze the ballots. Why so many colors then

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The award for best actor in The Deep Rig goes to Jesse Binall's dog. They're a cute lil pooch and didn't deserve to be dragged into this

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Not going to lie I want this to be over already. I feel like the waffle house guy

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This is not a Q movie, but they're also going to mention "cabal" 2 dozen times.

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Of course Doug Logan eventually revealed his identity in this movie. Why wouldn't he? It was clear from his Twitter where he stood.

I've also learned that Doug Logan is the kinda guy that says by golly.

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Act Three: Maricopa time babyyyyyy

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Lots of shots of the lazy susan's that have been called out by the SOS' observers + other election experts as being a problem that can lead to inaccurate results

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Joe Flynn's comparing protests during the Kavanaugh hearing to the insurrection.

Sorry buddy, but a few people disrupting hearings for a few moments is a little different than the sacking of the entire capitol.

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Tucker Carlson claiming the FBI had a part in the insurrection: DRINK

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Qanon shaman: DRINK

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why does tuckers voice always start quiet and low and then GO LOUD AND HIGH PITCHED!?

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Mike Flynn says they "literally tried to kill Mike Flynn"

Flynn does not know what literally means.

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I can't tell if it's because I cheated and started drinking before I started the movie, or if my ADHD is just in overdrive, but this movie is incredibly hard to follow.

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Patrick Byrne: Wearwolf?

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My s/o: "Look at him, he is a little between gothic columns trying to make points about policy"

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Patrick Byrne found the election logs

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"This is truly a time of great awakening" BUT ALSO WE DIDN'T MEAN TO HAVE BABY Q MC THE PREMIER

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Sorry if this thread was light on substance but...the movie was light on substance. Imagine everyone speaking only in gateway pundit headlines, and you'll have an idea of what it was like to watch the movie.