Sat Nov 27 00:49:23 +0000 2021

 · 3 min read
 · trapezoid of discovery

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Looks like Lin Wood and David Clements are accusing Mike Flynn and Patrick Byrne of having Conan Hayes “sweep” their phones.

Conan’s name popped up at Lindell’s Cyber Symposium in connection with the Mesa County breach. For more details on Conan, check the QTd thread

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Fun fact: Conan’s previously shared an image of Cellebrite - a hardware device typically used by law enforcement agencies to archive the contents on suspects phones

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And here’s a picture posted by Joe Flynn of Conan and Mike hanging 10

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Joe Flynn hyping Conan’s election disinfo

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Since I'm going through Conan's archived tweets, another observation: on 12/2 he posted this picture of what seems to be Ivanpah solar farm outside of Vegas. 12/2 is also the same date on the Clark County PCAPs that were shared at the Cyber Symposium

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Aww Conan had a crush on Emerald Robinson

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It wasn't just Joe Flynn hyping Conan's account

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Referencing Biden's "C'mon man" that he dropped during the debates, Conan seems to think Trump would sooner execute Biden than leave office